
Solo travel isn't just something I do, it's my life. This blog is full  of real-life experiences taken from 19 glorious years traveling alone non-stop as a woman. I cannot wait to share my solo travel tips on living wanderfully...

The Solo Female Travel Blog 
Be Wanderful 


A solo travel online course? Have you ever thought about throwing caution to the wind and setting off on the adventure of a lifetime? Has the idea crossed your mind a lot recently? Do you find yourself dreaming of it and would love to go but don’t know how? The good news? You don’t have […]

the latest:


Bliss. Quite a word, sweetie, and one that sure packs a punch! What does it mean to you? A beach vacation, floating on a pink flamingo and ogling lifeguards? A cosy night on the sofa in bunny PJ’s, a box of Kleenex and an old Disney? Or is it a new pair of gravity defying […]

Manifest Bliss By Traveling Alone



Have you ever asked yourself ‘is it OK to travel alone when married? How do I tell my husband I want to travel alone? Is it normal to travel without my spouse? Well, the good news my little toasted bagel is you’re not alone. Not only that, but the numbers of people who feel the […]

10 Reasons Why Couples Should Travel Alone While Married



Have you ever wanted to know how to travel alone? Do you sometimes feel you’re in a state of limbo and would love to spice up your life with something totally out of your comfort zone? Have you ever contemplated doing what Julia Roberts did in the movie ‘Eat, Pray, Love’? Well, my friend, you […]

How To Solo Travel (The Easy Way)


woman with a sunhat on


Is solo travel lonely you may be asking as you see the rise of women traveling alone. Have you ever wanted to solo travel but haven’t because you need to be with people to feel good? Does the idea of traveling alone seem too much? As a solo travel expert with 15 years of destination […]

Is Solo Travel Lonely? No. Here’s Why.


solo travel girl on a beach - Wanderful Company


Have you ever wondered why people travel alone and enjoy it? Have you ever wondered why they seem to be having the time of their life even on their own? Do you often think about heading off on an adventure by yourself but don’t know if you’d like it? Well, many are asking these exact […]

How To Travel Alone And Enjoy It (And It’s Much Easier Than You Think)


girl smiling and enjoying the beach alone


Is this the best solo travel blog? For women 40+, absolutely yes! Having been traveling alone for more than 16 years and non-stop, (worthy of a mention in the Guinness Book of Records lol), I now teach this stuff. Yes, this is me, and it’s crazy at times when I think about it. For one, […]

Is This The Best Solo Travel Blog? Yes. And Here’s Why.



Imagination is a ‘wanderful’ thing! It’s yours, it’s free, it’s limitless… ‘Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere’ – Albert Einstein ‘one needs to be alone, to recharge one’s batteries′ – Grace Kelly No 6: Monte Carlo Imagine….sipping a chilled glass of champagne from a beautiful Monegasque cafe while […]

Wanderfully Imagined…No 6: Monte Carlo



Imagination is a ‘wanderful’ thing! It’s yours, it’s free, it’s limitless… ‘look up ‘heaven’ in the dictionary and you will find Argentina…’ – K.K.C, Wanderful Company ‘It’s not enough to have the most melodious voice to intone a tango. No. We must also feel it. You have to live its spirit.’ – Gardel No 5: […]

Wanderfully Imagined…No 5: Buenos Aires



Want to travel alone? Thinking of traveling alone for the first time? Maybe traveling solo to find yourself? Well, you’re in the best of hands here my little macaroon. As a fully-fledged solo travel expert and adventure aficionado, I feel incredibly lucky to have spent all these years traveling alone. I cannot help but feel […]

Solo Travel Expert Kirsteen Cowan: Why I’ve Been Traveling Alone For 16 Years And Absolutely Love It


best solo female travel blog

hi, i'm kirsteen

Your new BFF & Travel Coach.

I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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What Would Carrie Do?

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Ready to travel like a babe and live the fullest life you could imagine. Relieved to have an expert by your side every step of the way? Wanna wake up excited about a new start in life? 

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