Solo travel isn't just something I do, it's my life. This blog is full of real-life experiences taken from 19 glorious years traveling alone non-stop as a woman. I cannot wait to share my solo travel tips on living wanderfully...
A solo travel course online? Well, my little cupcake, have you ever wanted to just pack your bags and head off on a one-way ticket to some unknown destination? Do you often dream about being free of responsibilities and doing what you want? And do you see others posting on YouTube about a happy life […]
Have you ever wondered what it must be like to be a billionaire? Have you ever thought about how they spend a day and what they buy? And have you ever imagined how you would live life if you were that rich? Well, cutie pie, this isn’t about how to become a billionaire. Boohoo, I […]
A man’s closet, you may be asking? Do men actually have a closet, you may be laughing? Can men and closets be in the same sentence, you may be pondering? LOL! Well, where do I begin, my little pumpkin! Have you ever watched a house renovation series on TV and felt sorry for the husband […]
Well, my little cupcake, so to traveling solo? Have you ever thought about traveling alone at least once in your life? Have you been tempted to just quit and pack your bags? Do you often think about throwing caution to the wind and squash that comfort zone once and for all? As I reflect on […]
Beauty, my little cupcake, can be totally, and utterly bonkers! Do you ever stand in front of the mirror and think, I want to look like JLO, Universe, and while we are at it, can I have the same closet and bank balance, pweez pweez pweez? Have you ever spotted a wrinkle and thought WTF […]
Comedy of flying, you may be thinking? Well, my little pickle, have you ever been on your way to a fabulous vacation and just couldn’t wait to get on the flight? Were you so keen, you paid for early boarding only to find out most of the flight had done the same? Have you ever […]
Have you ever been shopping with a man who has as much interest in what you are buying as a hippo has with Spandex? Have you ever been shopping with said man and all he can muster is ‘yes dear, that looks lovely’ on incessant repeat as he attempts to deflect boredom? Or you asked […]
Have you ever looked in a mirror and thought you’d aged overnight despite your best efforts with the latest eye creams? Are you someone 40+ who feels that everything is heading south and want to halt that annoying gravity train? Or maybe you just want to look a million USD for once, and give JLO […]
Have you ever thought about getting away from it all and going on some crazy, action-packed adventure? Have you ever contemplated a fresh start in some far flung destination and be as free as a bird to do what you damn well please? Or maybe you love the idea of a month working beside the […]
So. lipstick and logic??? Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and thought WTF have I done to my eyebrows, they are looking like defunct windscreen wipers and not at all where they were when I last looked? Have you ever been an eager beaver with a lip pencil and had lips like […]
hi, i'm kirsteen
Your new BFF & Travel Coach.
I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted, where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...
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