Can I really stay in the honeymoon feeling, you may be asking? Oh yes, my little pumpkin! Have you ever felt so good, you could have burst with excitement? Have you ever been so high on life you wanted to pinch yourself you weren’t dreaming. Or have you ever wished the night would fly so quickly to get out of bed and go have fun? Well, not only did I feel that way in South America, I’m tuning back into it! (and the basis of a new course, 2024).
If I am being honest, that feeling is way beyond any honeymoon feeling! And when you find it, trust me, nothing less cuts it! Like a heat seeking missile, it is a question of focus. I’m about to share with you how.

Well, my little tiramisu, I am guessing, by the fact you are reading this, you are just a little curious how you can stay in a honeymoon feeling. And I am guessing you are even more curious how anyone could feel that way without a partner as the reason.
It is worth me sharing one vital ingredient, the honeymoon feeling can be felt and tuned simply and easily with imagination. But to stay there requires mastery. And that is where the fun begins!
Imagine, Imagine, Imagine
You see, most people on the planet follow a lifestyle model which was created by someone else. You grow up believing Prince Charming is the prize, and you should live the 2.4 family life. Whilst that is perfectly aspirational to many, it isn’t the one and only route.
Albeit, I do LOVE a Disney movie, the real source of love is not actually Prince Charming. Yip! No kudos to him. He is merely the excuse you have for loving deeply. I am sure you have heard the expression ‘where focus goes, energy flows and results show’. You can fall in love in your imagination of some hottie and you will feel as if you are falling in love!
The brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. It works with pictures. The key is to use higher faculties such as ‘will’ to hold to that image and ‘play’ the movie mentally. Emotions are the result of holding yourself in that pure place.
I experienced this myself in 2023 when I began writing my first book ‘What Would Carrie Do‘; a love story set in sunny California. I created the characters out of my imagination, and quite literally had the feeling I was falling in love. It wasn’t my intention amusingly, it just happened as I stepped into the characters. (And it isn’t hard to imagine a Jason Statham type or Italian hottie Michele Morrone on any given day of the week for a few doses of the butterflies LOL).
Love FM
Bliss, that feeling is plugging into liquid love. It is a frequency, just like a radio station. And you do not need anyone or anything to find the channel. Why? It is a point of focus without any resistant thinking. Like a river of pure positivity. Do you remember the feeling of Christmas eve??? Pretty close, sweetie pie.
When a relationship feels like gum you have chewed all the flavor out of, ask yourself if you are loving deeply? And it will be a no. But what if you were to switch on that radio station and stay on that channel??? Try it! And watch how things turn around. (ps drop me an email if you want to find new juice in that gum! I coach this and getting a lot of success).

How To Easily Stay In The Honeymoon Feeling
Now to tuning to that station. Firstly, KNOW that the feeling can come from ANY passion and not exclusively a person. Before looking at these individually, tuning into the honeymoon feeling intentionally is a new way of being. It is a muscle, just like in sport that requires identifying, toning and growing. And the best of all, once you build that muscle, it is so EASY to maintain.
There are 3 key areas:
Let’s take a look…
Focus, focus, focus
If there is anything essential to staying tuned to that high vibing radio frequency, it is focus. And by that, I mean focusing on the feeling and image at the exclusion of ALL other distractions. Focus on what makes you feel truly alive inside will get you there! And yes, a person can be the source, but something else you love unconditionally will do it.
Feed high vibe thought
High vibes thought? Yes, find your high flying disc. Just like plate spinning. Find the one that feels so good. And stay on it. To do this, you have to think with INTENTION using things like ”I love this/I adore this/oh, I get to do…” etc. You can’t stay in honeymoon feelings when you give any attention to unwanted or low vibe discs. And that included complaining, criticizing and blaming.
High vibe is different things to different people. Easy wins include the adventure, sport and music.
Follow Your Bliss
Follow the scent of passion (eg a new business, a hobby, your biggest dream) and STAY on the trail! Just like an animal following the scent with excitement, he doesn’t have the desire to focus on anything else. Wise creatures.
Note: before you can build the honeymoon frequency, ask one vital question ”what is my bliss”? If you don’t know, ask yourself what you loved doing as a child. Another way is to spend some time alone. This gives you space, calm and peace from which to think. Often, people are way too busy doing things for others or putting someone first, which means you get no time to focus on self. Believe me when I say to be truly happy inside and out, requires YOU being top priority. All legends of personal development have said this.
And lastly
As you focus like a pro, stay on your high flying disc! (essential!). Pick up the scent of your own bliss, you can then begin to experience that honeymoon feeling. As you find it more and more, it will only intensify! And all this without any other being the cause.
Now, that is one feeling you won’t give up for anyone!
Until next time, my little sweet pea! XO
Make sure you check out two of the most popular posts of 2023.
How To Be Your Own Emily In Paris
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- If you want to cosy up on the sofa and feel some of that ”honeymoon feeling”, and to feel just that little bit happier about life, pop to the bookshop! What Would Carrie Do is my new Bridget Jones style comedy and a guaranteed dose of the happy vibes! Click here.
- Please join the mailing list for the short and sweet Wanderful Wednesdays, a super-boost weekly tip and dose of the happy pills (began 22nd March)!
If you’d love to learn how to plan your very first solo travel adventure, click here on Solo Travel Masterclass (launching in the Spring).
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