
How To Design Your Perfect Day: 7 Steps To Success

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I’m a solo travel expert, solopreneur and founder of Wanderful Company, a labour of love inspired by 19 glorious years of non-stop traveling alone. 

Equipped with nothing more than a suitcase, a one-way ticket and an incessant desire to be happy, I’ve gone from one solo travel adventure to the next for almost one third of my life to countries including Argentina, Brazil, Italy and France.
I'm Kirsteen!
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Oh, the perfect day…that feeling of bliss you want to plug into again and again and again! That ahhh you exhale at the end of a perfect day as you climb into bed with a smile the size of Donald Trump’s bank balance. That feeling of floating up in the clouds and you ain’t coming down for anyone. You catch my drift. It isn’t as elusive as you may think. Halle-flippin-lujah, my little cutie pie, help is on the way! And the good news? How to design your perfect day is much easier than you have ever imagined.

Now, before diving in with how you can create such a day, know you deserve the best life! The truth is if you put one foot in front of the other, you can absolutely design all you want. And I’m about to share with you how I create my own days. Not only do I do this, I know it works. And hey, am all about minimum effort, maximum satisfaction.

So, kick that badass boredom into the next state. You deserve way more than the excitement of a sausage roll at a vegan fest! Chin Chin to living life the way it was intended! Let’s dive in…

As a solo travel expert who has spent 17 years traveling alone, and nonstop, I’m proud how creative I am in designing my perfect days (and something I will be teaching you in Solo Travel Masterclass). And today, I’m so good at it, I can guarantee myself an abundance of perfect days.

Having always been a naturally curious person, I crave NEW. Routine ‘same old, same old’ just isn’t me, but I do love structure. And by that, sweet pea, I mean intentionally placing activities into each day that BOOST health and wellbeing significantly. I love to think of it as reinventing my own wheel. Just because most of the planet are cycling the same wheel, doesn’t mean you have to!

Here are my 7 essential mood-boosting, non-negotiable superfood ingredients in learning how to design your perfect day, AND every day!

7 Steps To The Perfect Day and Happily Ever after!

(There is no better way to explain this than a recipe!)

  1. 50g of gratitude (appreciating what you have as opposed to what is missing)
  2. 200g of silence (aka 20 minutes of meditation, this one is the Super Bowl of health!)
  3. 100g of exercise (a 20 minute walk at least)
  4. 100g of focus (your superpower once you master how to use it well)
  5. One kilo of smiling (instant good feeling)
  6. A tablespoon of deep breathing (phenomenally effective)
  7. A handful of excitement (basking in what is coming and NOT on what is)!

Bake in a warm oven and serve with a dash of appreciation! lol!

It may seem too simple as the basis for a perfect day. But let me share with you, my little pumpkin, one thing. If you are not where you want to be, be open to something new. And lets face it, if you haven’t had many fabulous days in decades, something has to CHANGE.

So, what is the perfect day?

Is it champagne and caviar and a sexy butler to top you up when the glass needs filling? Is it a spa day with a plethora of facials and luxury creams to ogle the afternoon away? Or maybe fine dining in a top Michelin starred restaurant as you ‘ohhh’ and ‘ahhh’ your way through the menu?

A perfect day is actually perceptual. When you take time to think about it, it is 24 hours of perfect moment possibilities that YOU create. A perfect day is actually a day abundant in perfect moments that you personally deem perfect. So, my little pumpkin, what special moments:

  1. do you have available to you right now?
  2. can you create ahead of time?
  3. do you love to savor more than anything?

And one perfect day can give clues for a more perfect life


Building The House

Begin with the right foundation...

Like in house building, you need to have some kind of blue print of what you want. Is it a villa, is it a cottage, is it a luxury apartment. In other words are you clear what constitutes your own perfect day/life? You wouldn’t go to a builder and say ‘build me a ‘house’ without a plan.

The best foundations are made with clarity, focus and the goal in vision. Don’t even attempt to do anything else, my little pickle until this stage is set. Once the base is solid, it will last a lifetime.

The walls are up and the roof is on…

Once the foundations are solid, in other words, you have those 7 activities down to a T, you can begin to build the walls. This is akin to deciding the structure of the house, do you want open plan, with views, do you want space. In the perfect day, do you want to do some ‘me time’ or be with friends. Do you want an active outdoorsy day or inside being lazy?

Finally to the decoration

And the fun part is the furnishings inside, ie the desires for life. These are the exciting pieces you want to add to create the life you desire. Eg. minimalism or busy, fast paced or easy going. Do you want to live in the same location or travel the world like I have. Do you want a dream job or build your own business. And do you want a dreamy relationship or are you happy to spend time alone for now.

How To Design Your Perfect Day In Ease

Now, sweetie, the perfect day means FOCUS and at the expense of all other distractions!!! This one is HUGE! No media, no TV, no junk consumption. Create before consume! You know as well as I do, the world seems hell bent on trying to catch your attention. Some of it well intended naturally, but heh, give your attention to the wrong stuff, and watch how tough finding a perfect day can be. Just saying…

A perfect day example that works easily


5 am: wake up, get ready while listening to vintage tunes/songs from the 80’s

6 am: meditation (VITAL cleanse of the mind)

6.30 am: journal 10 things which are going well/you appreciate, and write down an intention for the day

7 am: 60 minutes of sport (even a walk counts)

8 am: drink a cup of tea and bask in the beauty outside of things like sunrise

8. 30 am: create a plan for the day!

9 am: 4 hours of focus on what you LOVE (eg create your own business)


1pm: try new food you have never eaten before. NEW is king!

(boozy is optional lol, I do love a glass of chilled rose!)


2pm: 4 hours of focus on what you LOVE (eg go spoil yourself with afternoon tea in some luxury hotel!)


6 pm: cup of tea and chill out while catching up on a favorite YouTube channel/podcast

7 pm: glass of wine and prep dinner

9 pm: reflect on the day while celebrating the achievement

10 pm: plan a new day in a journal, and detox on tech 60 minutes before sleeping)

11 pm: sleep, with an intentional smile basking in the fun you have had


Now, you see how easy it is! You now know how to design your perfect day. So, don’t delay living your best life, my little cupcake! Get out there TODAY and decide on no more excuses. Life can be 24/7 full of perfect moments. How? Because you are the one who has taken back control and your own power to create the days you want!

And those 7 steps above? They have helped me create an abundance of perfect days! I’m only just getting started! And that’s a wrap!

Until next time, my little sweet pea! XO

Make sure you check out two of the most popular posts of 2023.

How To Be Your Own Emily In Paris

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  • If you want to cosy up on the sofa after a perfect day, and to feel just that little bit happier about life, pop to the bookshop! What Would Carrie Do is my new Bridget Jones style comedy and a guaranteed dose of the happy vibes! Click here.
  • Please join the mailing list for the short and sweet Wanderful Wednesdays, a super-boost weekly tip and dose of the happy pills (began 22nd March)!

If you’d love to learn how to plan your very first solo travel adventure, click here on Solo Travel Masterclass (launching in the Spring).

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hi, i'm kirsteen

Your new BFF & Travel Coach.

I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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Travel Solo Expert, Educator, Solopreneur, Magazine Creator, Happiness Coach and Travel addict.

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