How do you start solo traveling? Am I too old you may be asking? Will it be lonely? Is it safe? Will I get bored? Questions, questions, questions right?! Well my little cupcake, breath a sigh of relief. You don’t have to figure it out, I’ve done it all for you.
Not only is this an easy-to-follow online course you can do from the coziness of your own sofa in 4 hours or less, it has been created by Google’s No. 1 solo travel expert.
Let’s take a peep…

How It All Began…
Back in 2005, on the comedic realization office coffee machine was becoming the highlight of my day, (click here to read the true story), I knew the time was approaching to quit corporate. The decision was actually an easy one once I had a solid Plan B in place and so I set off on a one-way ticket abroad.
With my mind in mode Mission All Is Possible, I wanted the feeling of being on vacation 24/7 365 and nothing less was ever going to cut it.
Today, 16 years on of non stop solo traveling under my belt, (and my gratitude to coffee machine LOL), I decided to create SOLO TRAVEL MASTERCLASS™ as a path to inspire others who are looking for something new.
And why? Well, you get to:
- be 100% yourself ALL of the time
- live a life of your own choosing instead of society’s version
- do what you want, when you want and how you want
Sound tempting? Not only is it possible, it’s way easier than you think (and you don’t even have to leave your own country if you don’t want to!).

How do you start solo traveling?
With solo travel still a relatively new concept to many, it has created curiosity. Why would anyone enjoy being on their own many say and that would make me feel lonely think others. But take it from me as a solo travel expert, it couldn’t be further from the truth. This was a topic I blogged about in Is Solo Travel Lonely? No. Here’s Why.
I’ve created a path through Solo Travel Masterclass™ which many have been looking for and will soon have access to (Autumn 2022). When I began all these years ago, it was one baby step at a time and finding a path meant copious amounts of research. The path is not the same for any two people and is something I outline in the course.
This course has never been done before and promises big results. And my little pickle, with no effort!
Why Solo Travel Masterclass™
If 16 years of non stop solo traveling has given me anything, it’s an incredible perspective and vantage point. I’ve mastered it and a way that has never been done before. And since you may not have 16 years to do the same LOL, I’m sharing my unique tools and advice that will help you have the time of your life living wanderfully.
One of the key elements I go into which is the most important factor by far is MINDSET. It’s for this reason I dedicated a whole module to it. Believe me when I say I had no idea about this stuff before I left.
And why is mindset so big? Well, most people solo travel without being aware of how deeply emotions affect the journey. It’s like driving a car without hands on the wheel and without a map. It’s that important. Not only do you learn these life changing techniques, you can apply them to daily life when you come back. And they’ll help you adapt back easily, something many people haven’t been able to do.

Big on Quality, Low on Time
I pride myself on taking solo travel to new heights, leading edge at that. And yes, you can head off by yourself without any knowledge and it can be fun. But why not give yourself peace of mind having tools to put you at ease before you even take one step outside.
I have spent months taking time to ask myself what you would want/need in your first solo travel adventure and how you can solo travel in a way that creates BLISS. Quality content over quantity content is at the base and I’ve been able to create a course you can do in 4 hours or less. I’m exceptionally proud of what you are going to get. And honestly, no two people are the same. People want to do different things. I cover all bases.
So, how do you start solo traveling? Solo Travel Masterclass will be launching in the Autumn of 2022. As already written, I’ve taken time to make it even better than envisaged had launched it in 2021. It made me grateful to have the wisdom to wait. Even if you can’t solo travel quite yet, doing the course just for the MINDSET module will be giving you a step up towards greater emotional freedom and on the path to what you want.
How would I sum up Solo traveling?
Living a life today which most people won’t so you can live a life later which most people can’t.

Want to know how it feels to solo travel? Download my FREE guide (image above) by clicking below:
Happy travels my little pumpkin!
Until next time…XO
If you’d love to learn how to plan your very first solo travel adventure, and get a dose of feel good factor emotions, click here on Solo Travel Masterclass to find out more. This solo travel course is one-of-a-kind and a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom in one easy-to-follow course.
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