
What Are You Waiting For, Babygirl?

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I’m a solo travel expert, solopreneur and founder of Wanderful Company, a labour of love inspired by 19 glorious years of non-stop traveling alone. 

Equipped with nothing more than a suitcase, a one-way ticket and an incessant desire to be happy, I’ve gone from one solo travel adventure to the next for almost one third of my life to countries including Argentina, Brazil, Italy and France.
I'm Kirsteen!
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What Would Carrie Do?
solo travel inspired book
xo, kirsteen

Well, cutie pie, have you ever wanted to get off the cookie cutter conformity roundabout and become a joyful rebel? Have you ever woken and thought: f”k it, don’t care if it is 6am, am having a chilled glass of rose for breakfast! A slight stretch of imagination, but do you ever ask why you conform?

Why do you have to eat 3 meals a day, do road runner impressions via the office commute, and join the Monday to Friday mayhem? Let me share with you one little secret…you are free to create your own reality! Why not make one you actually want?!

Now a little straight talking here. Do you think JLO is at the office coffee machine on her way to the 100th zoom call? Do you think Tom Cruise is counting the days until dress down Friday? Do you think Anna Wintour is sitting 6 am in heated rollers with a zero f”ks attitude, and excited about this year’s Secret Santa? Well, maybe, LOL, but those big hitters are hitting big for one reason…unapologetic focus! As in the words of Luther King. I have a dream! Not I have a team bonding day, or I have a bank account, or I have a new pair of sneakers. Yip, I HAVE A DREAM. And that dream, my little crumpet, the kind JLO, Tom and Anna would be proud of, will take you to bliss after bliss after bliss! Lets jump in…

And me? Heck yeah! I had a dream. A huge one at that. I accomplished a lifestyle and emotional ROI the likes of even Anna would dip her sunglasses in admiration to, and have Tom high five my Mission-I-Am-Possible! A dream solo travel trip that began in Rio and changed the trajectory of my entire life. As it can yours. What are you waiting for, babygirl? As in the words of Nike, just do it! Challenge the status quo! Challenge beliefs. And above all challenge conformity!

Do you see panda bears sit eating eucalyptus leaves dreading the day ahead? Do you see a giraffe waddle in heels out of the office at night and collapse on the sofa for a date night with Netflix? Do you see a penguin sit on his ass all day from one zoom meeting to the next, with the odd escape to office canteen for the soup of the day? Do they heck! Repeat after me…I can do anything I want. And repeat 100 times a day until the life you truly want reveals itself…

Trail blazers…

Let me share another little secret…there is nothing you can’t be, do or have! As in the words of Donald Duck’s creator, if you can dream it, you can do it. Even Snow White couldn’t argue with that.

Why would anyone want to do same old same old? You don’t see a child say ”I want to be a project manager when I grow up”. No way! They dream! I want to be a princess, they may sigh! Well, you can be. Princess of your own castle, babygirl! Well, you get the point sweetie, am on your side!

Pay attention to trail blazers. The clues are there to see! What you focus on expands. Where you place your energy is where results will show. Are you waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed or are you on an energy depleting reality loop? Are you glued to the 1000th Netflix series or are you focused like a heat seeking missile? Do you go to bed in a heap of exhaustion or do you go to bed high on life? The choice is yours.

A few solutions…

If you are on the fence, stuck between a rock and a hard place, with an addiction to procrastination, don’t you worry your sleepy little head. Perhaps a dream solo trip to some far flung destination and do what you damn well please? Or do you wait to see what Miss Destiny has planned for you?

Well whatever it is, my little pumpkin, fear not. Help is on the way!!! The juice is in the new. The trail is always calling you to the party and this is one heck of an invite you don’t’ want to miss…


Don’t forget, wherever you go, your inner child goes with you! You know that inner voice that has always been with you…like a life long bestie, listen to that intuition, you can only win!!!

Dream solo trip, yes please? Or any other dream you may have! FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. If you are not focusing on your dream, you are the acting extra in someone else’s!

A little poetic inspiration…

What do you want, what sleeps inside,

A life you create, a life you decide,

Destiny will pull, concierge in the sky,

Hold to the sails, let butterflies fly…

Why are you nudged, out of the soul,

Pulling life’s trail, and be again whole,

Who are you really, dancing through veins,

One’s own sunshine or left in the rains…

For all is to savor, and bask as you be,

With destiny beside you, let yourself be free,

Nothing to fear, babygirl, nothing to lose

The bliss is yours, all that you choose…

Look up and ahead, never look back,

Live in abundance, never in lack,

A chance right now, to live out desire,

Oh dear friend, oh one I admire…

Focus on you, and know yourself deep,

A promise to you, is all you can keep,

Adventure will beckon, destiny will talk,

You are the one, win life’s walk…


And a little advice, my little cupcake, if you want to manifest like a pro…

  • Think little, dream a lot
  • Hold the image in your mind 24/7
  • Eat, breath and speak it into existence
  • Avoid ‘noise’!
  • Fall in love with your new life! (what you seek is seeking you!)

A dream?

Make sure you check out two of the most popular posts of 2023.

How To Be Your Own Emily In Paris

How To Look 10 Years Younger Without Spending A Dime

Until next time, XO!


  • If you want to cosy up on the sofa with a good book and feel just that little bit happier about life, pop to the bookshop! What Would Carrie Do is my new Bridget Jones style comedy and a guaranteed dose of the happy vibes! Click here.
  • Please join the mailing list for the short and sweet Wanderful Wednesdays, a super-boost weekly tip and dose of the happy pills (began 22nd March)!

If you’d love to learn how to plan your very first solo travel adventure, click here on Solo Travel Masterclass (launching in the Spring).

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Traveling Alone: Top Tips From A Solo Travel Expert

Is Solo Travel Lonely? No. Here’s Why

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The Secret Life Of The Office Coffee Machine

And A ‘Wanderful’ Link…

How To Travel Alone And Love It – Vogue

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hi, i'm kirsteen

Your new BFF & Travel Coach.

I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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What Would Carrie Do?

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Solo Travel Expert, Author, Online Course Creator, and Success Coach.

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