This may not be a title you would be expecting from a solo travel blog, but if you know Wanderful Company, it makes perfect sense LOL! And why disco balls? Well, it’s stepping back to a time when life was so damn easy, and nobody was taking it too seriously. JUST AS IT WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.
If you had the incredible good fortune of growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, you’ll easily understand. I cannot help but smile at those sparkly balls of nostalgia. And when I find myself under one, the Travolta effect is real LOL. That feeling of adrenaline kicks in and I’ll happily be strutting my stuff until 6 am any day of the week.
DISCO will always be one of the most loved music eras of all time and still has people screaming when they hear the first few seconds of Stayin’ Alive, Night Fever and You Should Be Dancing. With DISCO, Motown (and some vintage gems like this Italian one) long being my go to’s, it has me curious about why these songs draw people in time and time again.

The desire to feel good never switches off and music always delivers no matter what. Back then, you didn’t have to try to be happy, you just were. Life was light, smooth sailing and people lived in the moment.
Movies like Saturday Night Fever and Grease pulled audiences up to new heights and Disco meant sparkles, space and harmonies.
And dressing up…yes we may cringe with a ‘what was I thinking’ today. But that’s the point back then, you weren’t thinking! LOL It was all about the dance, the movement (unlike today and sitting on one’s pretty little derriere).
Why did it feel so good?
The musicality of DISCO and MOTOWN was exceptional. With harmonies, came a softness making it pleasant on the ears. And who can forget the falsetto of The Bee Gees, a high-vibe band whose love of music was beyond and who were genius at evoking emotion.
One factor that also influenced was a dominance of feminine energy, as opposed to today’s action based masculine energy. If I think of my own example, being independent means a lot of action in the sense of making decisions, planning, doing etc. I absolutely recognize my craving today for more balance. We all have both and it depends where you are personally. The world has had an abundance of masculine for years now. You just have to think of business, action, action and more action.
Why is this important? Well, human beings are feelings dominantly. Action is like taking the long hard route when the easy feeling route has always been available. Action without lining up the emotion will deplete you time and time again and create a desire for escapism (something which was non existent in the 70’s)!!!
Live life like disco…sparkle no matter what…
wanderful company
This isn’t about going back to repeat the 80’s. Life moves on as part of evolution, but you can take elements of it and refocus on what is important. The feeling. The feeling. The feeling. Back then we had SPACE, space to think, space to be and space to feel. Today’s lifestyle can feel tight but you can create SPACE any time. Give up TV LOL!

Feminine Energy Reboot
You have to feel life more and think it less. Get out of your head and into the now. Follow bliss. It exists. AND DISCO IS BLISS. Do you allow someone you don’t know to put food in your mouth? Absolutely not. So why let people in the mind? Take charge and watch emotional consumption. Keep it light, keep it fun and live in flow!
And whenever you need a feminine reboot, pop on one of these iconic Bee Gees hits and float off into happy land…where you are always meant to be.
Stayin’ Alive – The Bee Gees
More Than A Woman – The Bee Geed
You Should Be Dancing – The Bee Gees
So there you have it my little cupcake. LONG LIVE DISCO! Feel, float, fly! Above all, have a ball! A disco one…
Until next time…
For more feel good factor content, join the mailing list here. A lot of fun stuff coming up including What Would Carrie Do…?, a new comedy fiction inspired by disco (launching on Amazon in August 2022).
If you’d love to learn how to plan your very first solo travel adventure and get a dose of feel good factor emotions, click here on Solo Travel Masterclass to find out more. This solo travel course is one-of-a-kind and a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom in one easy-to-follow course.

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