
The Secret Comedy of Food (And Why You Can Eat Anything)

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I’m a solo travel expert, solopreneur and founder of Wanderful Company, a labour of love inspired by 19 glorious years of non-stop traveling alone. 

Equipped with nothing more than a suitcase, a one-way ticket and an incessant desire to be happy, I’ve gone from one solo travel adventure to the next for almost one third of my life to countries including Argentina, Brazil, Italy and France.
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Have you ever been face to face with a huge piece of chocolate cake and found yourself deep in negotiation with ‘will I or won’t I’? Have you ever eaten 10 donuts on the same night only to loathe them afterwards and wish they didn’t exist? Perhaps you’ve been in a restaurant witnessing a woman quaff a bottle of wine, 3 bread rolls, and a huge dessert on her way to seconds? And, there’s you wondering why this skinny beeeatch is so thin that she could slide through a Amex card reader and still have enough room for her handbag.  

Yes, the F WORD, those 4 little letters that seep into the mind…a control game to the many, unadulterated pleasure it would seem to the few. Whatever the FOOD noise swirling around in that pretty little head of yours, let me tell you something my little cupcake. It’s not the food, or any skinny beeeatch who got the ‘I can eat anything’ golden ticket. The ability to eat what you want and stay slim comes from one thing and one thing only, making peace with food.

Let me explain…

Do you know someone who seems like she could eat a small village? Do you sit opposite counting calories like an Olympic athlete while she’s counting absolutely nada? Doesn’t this same skinny B make you want to scream as you watch her eat every mouthful? And there’s you, thinking you’ll have to do 3 extra zumba classes and an evening in with a bowl of salad leaves to compensate for being a piggy? Yes, this little piggy is going to market, the weight loss market along with the other ‘wish I was a skinny B’ crew.

And all of this and we haven’t even mentioned when she comes dressed in a size 4 jeans and still has space to wiggle. And you? Well, you want to cry because you can feel the seams of your jeans stretch to maximum capacity shouting enough enough enough, we are holding the fort here but don’t push it baby! And don’t go exposing yourself in embarrassment.

Too late, as you bend down to pick up your hand bag and hear a gasp from onlookers as they’ve spotted those ever so unsexy tan spanx. Why why why me you cry as skinny B walks off in tact and half the men in the room are looking at her derriere imagining what she’s wearing below those skinny jeans. And you know she won’t be wearing spanx.

Food Noise

Well the point finally is why is skinny B a skinny B and seam stretcher a seam stretcher? It may be a shock to find out….drum roll maestro….well sweetie, SHE DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT FOOD! She eats for pleasure and has no emotional baggage/guilt/calorie counting in that daily chit chat.

NO FOOD NOISE = NO RESISTANCE (it’s the resistance that causes the issue). You cannot be thin as long as you tell keep telling yourself the opposite.

Wish I was a skinny B you may be thinking. The good news is YOU ARE, being healthy it’s your natural default. You’ve just been telling the wrong story.

Part of the secret of success is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside

mark twain

So, what is the secret?

Well, skinny B lets her body get on with it and do what it does best. Each time you think ‘my ass looks big’ and ‘I can’t lose weight’, you ever so loyal brain (which is always listening) takes that instruction literally and says ‘OK crew, she wants more. And why? Because you sent the signal sweetie, albeit unintentionally.

But what if you just stop sending the wrong signals and let the body do its job and be happy just accepting the body you have today? THAT IS ALL YOU CAN DO. You cannot get to where you want if you are unhappy now. This is law of attraction at work. So accepting where you are is just the jumping off point to a new you and then after a short time of aligning new beliefs, wonders do actually happen.

My case in point

Have you ever been to Italy and watched the locals eat? Wow, quite an event. There they are sitting around a table with a 3 hour lunch eating, drinking and loving life. And the country is full of slim people. You see societal conditioning about food is not in their mindset. They LOVE food more than life itself and yes, you guessed it, they view food as PLEASURE.

Think about that for a moment. Pleasure makes the body feel good and feeling good doses the mind and body in happiness and well being. The opposite is also true if each time you feel guilt or are restricting pleasure which simply adds resistance.

When you think about it, there doesn’t seem to be any pleasure in life that man hasn’t tried to wrestle to the ground. And what’s left, flippin salad leaves? Well blow me. Pleasure? I don’t think so…not that I’m knocking the salad munchers. I’ve always been partial to the odd one if it comes with a glass of the red stuff!

Food IS pleasure. And pleasure = high vibe, high magnet! (click here to read about this). This stuff works all by its pretty little self. You cannot be thin when you think about being fat, it defies law. So focus on enjoying life and stop thinking about weight.

And next time you see that skinny B, just ask her how she does it. And smile knowing you’ll soon be joining that exclusive club.

Until next time…(I’m off to fall in love with my chocolate cake LOL)

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A lot of fun stuff coming up including What Would Carrie Do…?, a new comedy fiction (launching on Amazon in August 2022).

If you’d love to learn how to plan your very first solo travel adventure and go watch the Italians eat food, click here on Solo Travel Masterclass to find out more. This solo travel course is one-of-a-kind and a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom in one easy-to-follow course.

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I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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