
Solo travel isn't just something I do, it's my life. This blog is full  of real-life experiences taken from 19 glorious years traveling alone non-stop as a woman. I cannot wait to share my solo travel tips on living wanderfully...

The Solo Female Travel Blog 
Be Wanderful 


Vacation for one you may be asking? Have you ever been in the office when things felt nuts and you just wanted to slam down your note pad, abandon those never ending Zoom calls and walk up to your boss and say: I need a ducking vacation?! Get me out of here! (ps, 1. my […]

woman holding a sun hat in a bikini

the latest:


Have you ever walked home in high heels looking like a drunken penguin? Have you ever worn them all day and found yourself hallucinating a pair of fluffy slippers? Have you ever stumbled in heels at work and almost vaulted into office hottie’s lap? Admittedly a funny topic to blog about as a solo travel […]

The Secret Comedy Of High Heels And Why We Just Can’t Get Enough Of Them



Have you ever gone into a supermarket in a foreign country looking for bread only to come out with lip balm (which you don’t even use), or half price flip flops (one size too small but you love a bargain) or potato chips (a flavor which you cannot pronounce and taste like cardboard) forgetting the […]

The Secret Comedy Of Supermarkets (No Matter Where You Go In The World)



Have you ever been face to face with a huge piece of chocolate cake and found yourself deep in negotiation with ‘will I or won’t I’? Have you ever eaten 10 donuts on the same night only to loathe them afterwards and wish they didn’t exist? Perhaps you’ve been in a restaurant witnessing a woman […]

The Secret Comedy of Food (And Why You Can Eat Anything)



Have you ever spent a night on Netflix, vino in one hand, remote control pause button in the other, zooming in on a Bambi eyed actor wishing you were his leading lusty lady? Have you ever watched old Disney movies and found yourself in a puddle of drooling saliva watching Snow White and Cinderella get […]

A Comedic View Why Mr Right Is So Mr Wrong



It’s that time again, vacay!!! Yippetyooo…BUT…have you ever wanted to lasso a passenger by his ankles in the airport lounge and catapult him into the next state for being an annoying little duck? (D is the new F in this yawny world of political correctness lol)? Have you ever had someone so keen to get […]

The Secret Comedy of The Airport Lounge


hi, i'm kirsteen

Your new BFF & Travel Coach.

I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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What Would Carrie Do?

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Ready to travel like a babe and live the fullest life you could imagine. Relieved to have an expert by your side every step of the way? Wanna wake up excited about a new start in life? 

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