
Solo travel isn't just something I do, it's my life. This blog is full  of real-life experiences taken from 19 glorious years traveling alone non-stop as a woman. I cannot wait to share my solo travel tips on living wanderfully...

The Solo Female Travel Blog 
Be Wanderful 


Ciao, my little pickle! Travel magazine BLISS No.6 is now here, yippy. And we have a new look! BLISS is a cutie pie created to bring fun, flow and fabulousness! Want that little something quirky to read poolside, as you sip a cheeky vino? A gift handmade with love…BLISS Magazine No.6. So, kick of those […]

the latest:


Ciao, my little lambchop! Do we have a treat for you! Solo travel magazine, BLISS is back! Want that little something quirky to read at the beach as you tan yourself into a golden goddess? Love that little something sassy to snuggle up to poolside, as you sip a cheeky apero? Crave that little something […]

Solo Travel Magazine: BLISS No.5



Want that little something to smile about on a rainy day? Love that little something to laugh about on a quiet day? Crave that little something to think about on a boring day? Well, my little strawberry shortcake, while I can’t promise you a 1st class ticket on a luxury vacation, I can give you […]

BLISS Magazine No.4



Want that little something to boost the happy vibes? Love that little something to float into dream land? Crave that little something to be on vacation mode? Well, my little pickle, while I can’t promise you a private island (at least, not quite yet, LOL), I can give you the next best thing! A little […]

BLISS Magazine No.3



Want that little something to joosh up your day? Love that little something to crack a sexy smile? Crave that little something to feel happy right now? Well, my little pumpkin, while I can’t promise Michele Morrone, (he is not so little and is a whole of something LOL) I can give you the next […]

BLISS Magazine No.2



A solo travel inspired magazine? Well, my little pumpkin, where do I begin?! The journey of this little cutie pie of a magazine has been very intriguing to say the least. Ideas sprang into my mind a month ago along with an impulse that felt VERY strong. Having always been incredibly intuitive, I know this […]

Solo Travel Inspired BLISS Magazine Has Officially Launched!



A solo travel inspired magazine? Heck, yeah, my little coconut! Have you ever picked up a magazine and thought ‘same old, same old’ as you flick through the pages? Have you ever been tired of the anti-ageing and dieting nonsense that seems to appear in every publication? And have you been tempted to throw a […]

Solo Travel Inspired: Introducing BLISS Magazine


hi, i'm kirsteen

Your new BFF & Travel Coach.

I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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solo travel inspired book

What Would Carrie Do?

have a sneak peek, my little pumpkin

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Ready to travel like a babe and live the fullest life you could imagine. Relieved to have an expert by your side every step of the way? Wanna wake up excited about a new start in life? 

but first