
A Life Of Bliss? Fascinating Results Of A 12 Month Experiment

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I’m a solo travel expert, solopreneur and founder of Wanderful Company, a labour of love inspired by 19 glorious years of non-stop traveling alone. 

Equipped with nothing more than a suitcase, a one-way ticket and an incessant desire to be happy, I’ve gone from one solo travel adventure to the next for almost one third of my life to countries including Argentina, Brazil, Italy and France.
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A life of bliss? Have you ever tried changing a few things in your life, but keep going back to old habits? Have you ever thought about upgrading to a new you but give up at the first hurdle? Or maybe you thought about changing habits to boost your health but just haven’t got around to it?

Well, my little cupcake, whatever the reason, this is exactly what I began 12 months ago. In my quest to recapture those high vibe feelings I became addicted to in South America, I began an intriguing experiment to see if I could create and hold the feeling of bliss no matter what is going on around me. Not only were the results fascinating but were way beyond anything I could have anticipated.

All rainbows and lollipops? If you count long periods of bliss, flow and so much energy, you don’t even want to sleep, then YES!!! It was a double rainbow and the most yummy of lollipops, and so much so, it has me wanting more!

Life of bliss? Lets dive in…

A little background…

At the beginning of 2022, I gave myself the intention it would be one of the best years of my life. (To read what happened after the first 6 months, click here).

To achieve this intention, I knew:

  1. I would have to be laser focused.
  2. I would have to be diligent with what I gave my attention to.
  3. I would have to fill up on things with a high emotional ROI.

Before this experiment began, I’d wake up and think about things randomly, and go about my day without too much thought. Some days I’d achieve a lot, and some days not so much. But I began to ask myself what if I could be so focused on bliss, that I could tune myself to it? And what if I abandoned giving precious time to the outside world and replace it with my inside world?

With an incredible understanding of mindset already under my belt from the world’s best, I began thinking ”with intention”, abandoning the default thinking ”by reaction” which most people do.

And a life of bliss today?

Today, my little pickle, with 12 months in the bag, the results are phenomenal. I’ve so much energy I could sell it LOL and my eagerness so high, I could easily get by on 4 hours sleep. And not only that, 2022 was without a doubt, a year of ease, flow and BLISS.

Looking back at personal achievements, I feel such a sense of pride. I published my first book What Would Carrie Do?, my biggest pride and joy, and source of endless bliss!!! With incredible feedback, I couldn’t feel happier with what I accomplished. Without this experiment, I could never have achieved quite the same level of creativity.

An excited magnet attracts exciting things! It really is that simple.

”history will be kind to me for I intend to write it”

winston churchill

They say where focus goes, energy flows and results show. Every second of the day, you are under the influence of something. What if you could be so aware, that you became the body guard to your own state of wellbeing. Best of all, once you build that muscle, it becomes so second nature that life becomes a lot of fun!

Today I have the must exceptional clarity of my life and such focus that not one minute of negativity goes by without me being aware of it. And instead of being mad, I leverage my focus to be even more in tune with wanted. And when your day is full of what YOU want and not what society wants you to look at, you feel incredible. This is your life after all. Invest in it wisely.

A few things I discovered:

  • FOCUS like a pro. There is no other way to say this but you are a magnet every second of the day. Focus ONLY on wanted and just watch how quickly you begin to feel good. The rest is insignificant.
  • CLARITY is king. Cut out the ”noise” of distractions, and like a cork under the water, happiness rises with no effort when you let go. Step out of the fog, and you will see the sunshine!
  • PASSION is everything. If it is not a ”hell yeah”, then make it a ”hell no”. Having just one thing to focus on that lights you up inside will catapult bliss in all areas of your life.

”you will never reach your destination of you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks”

winston churchill

Nothing is by chance and once you figure out how to ”play the game”, and by that I mean your own game, (like the owners of Netflix), then life really gets interesting.

And the conclusion?

Life of bliss? Heck yeah! Thank you Universe! I wake up each day FULL OF LIFE and best of all, I play the game MY WAY and not the way society conditions people into believing. I am sitting here today with a thriving start to 2023, phenomenal things happening behind the scenes, so much excitement, I don’t even want to go to bed and sleep. And I get to write book two and step back into a whole lot of bliss.

There you have it, my little cupcake. Want to learn how to do the same? I will be teaching this in Solo Travel Masterclass launching in the Spring. Even if you don’t want to travel alone, it will be worth doing it. Pop onto the email list to get the first updates.

Life of bliss is not only possible, its how it was always meant to be.

Until next time XO

PS And if you need a boost of bliss, pop over to the bookshop and check out my new Bridget Jones style comedy! (Click here)

If you’d love to learn how to plan your very first solo travel adventure and get a dose of feel good factor emotions, click here on Solo Travel Masterclass to find out more. This solo travel course is one-of-a-kind and a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom in one easy-to-follow course.

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hi, i'm kirsteen

Your new BFF & Travel Coach.

I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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Travel Solo Expert, Educator, Solopreneur, Magazine Creator, Happiness Coach and Travel addict.

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