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Traveling Alone Woman: Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions Answered By A Solo Travel Expert

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I’m a solo travel expert, solopreneur and founder of Wanderful Company, a labour of love inspired by 19 glorious years of non-stop traveling alone. 

Equipped with nothing more than a suitcase, a one-way ticket and an incessant desire to be happy, I’ve gone from one solo travel adventure to the next for almost one third of my life to countries including Argentina, Brazil, Italy and France.
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As a traveling alone woman by choice, I’ve spent one-third of my life going from one destination to the next and nonstop! At times, when I think back, I feel a huge sense of pride in what I’ve achieved. And it’s even more remarkable that I’ve done it on my own.

I started traveling solo at the age of 30 when I went on a 2-week vacation to Borneo to see the orangutans in the wild. It was magical and a trip that left such an impression on me. I went there with a solo travel group using a reputable adventure specialist called Intrepid. I enjoyed it so much that I booked many more trips with them. It wasn’t until I was 37 that I decided to leave my job in the UK and travel alone long term.

traveling alone woman holding a sun hat and walking in a street on holiday

Here are the typical questions women asked before traveling solo.  

Top Questions Asked by A Traveling Alone Woman

How do I start traveling alone as a woman?

With solo travel on the rise and women taking up 85 percent of the market, the question is being asked how do I start traveling alone? There are many ways you can begin eg by taking baby steps using companies as I had. You can also take a solo travel course and learn how to plan your first solo travel adventure. Some small courses already exist that give you the basics. However, I’ve created my one-of-a-kind Solo Travel Masterclass for women who want a lot more detail from someone who has done it and is still doing it. I speak authentically on the pros and cons. And besides, I don’t know of any woman who has traveled alone nonstop as long as me. lol!

Where should I start traveling alone?

One of the biggest questions women ask about solo traveling alone is what are the best places to travel alone? The basis of the question is ultimately safety and ease. Instead of repeating myself on this very important question, please click on my recent blog post my top 3 destinations for women traveling alone to find out more. I’ve highlighted my top destination based on how I felt there as a woman. Suffice to say, there are many places you could go and would feel safe. Traveling with ease comes from experience and choosing the first destination is vitally important if you want to do this again and again.

Is it weird to go on a trip alone?

This question makes me laugh because there is NOTHING weird about choosing to do anything alone never mind traveling. Truthfully, you are seen as more skilled and brave if you do. It also shows a great depth of character and I promise you will earn you some kudos in future job hunting.

What are the best places to travel alone as a female?

As mentioned above, there are many places to visit. The question I want to answer here is based on the level of experience you have eg I would HIGHLY recommend Argentina to anyone who is fairly streetwise. If you are a woman who knows how to navigate and talk to people easily, it’s my TOP destination and my all-time favorite country. I will be doing a full blog post on this soon. If you are a little nervous as a woman even at home, I would suggest doing some home trips first to get used to it and see how you feel.

What are the advantages of traveling alone as a woman?

There are millions of advantages to traveling alone as a woman. The most noticeable and my personal favorite are freedom, rejuvenation, and exhilaration. When you get all three in perfect combination, you will never feel anything else like it in travel. It then becomes addictive. lol. BTW I can honestly say I look younger today than when I began. It’s the constant newness of the environment and people that add such a zest to the day to day life.

travel alone woman sunbathing on a hammock

How old do you have to be to travel alone?

When it comes to age, there are NO limits. And you can also do this if you are married! Some women at times feel they lose their identity in a relationship and solo travel is one way to ensure you stay YOU.

What are the best female solo travel tips?

I wrote about this in my top blog post ‘Traveling Alone: Top Tips From A Solo Travel Expert’. A few tips to add here would be to JUST DO IT! Don’t think about it too much because you may talk yourself out of it. Also, having a PLAN B is a way to put the mind at ease. If you can cope with PLAN B, then you have all you need to know. This point is major and I cover it in detail in my Solo Travel Masterclass.

Is it lonely to solo travel alone?

Loneliness is all about perception and having a purpose. If you are not busy eg on a Sunday, it can be a time when you see families and begin thinking about missing people. But take note, when you are busy having fun seeing all of the amazing places and doing so many incredible things, you don’t have time to feel lonely. Check out my blog post here where I go into this in detail.

travel far enough, you meet yourself

david mitchell

Are there solo travel groups?

As I noted at the beginning, there are some reputable solo travel specialists. Technically, it isn’t solo travel if you meet up with other people to travel. However, if you’re a little nervous and want some peace of mind, it’s a fantastic baby step to full solo traveling by yourself. Personally, to go to Borneo, I felt it was a good option because I had no idea at that time about that part of the world. It was before the days of Facebook, Airbnb, and smartphones.

Is solo female travel on the rise?

Absolutely! It is worth noting there are 6.6 million hashtags on solo travel alone on Instagram. One of the main reasons aside from how easy it is to move globally, is people want total freedom. Many have delayed going away on vacation because friends don’t perhaps have enough time or the budget. For years, it was as if people just left it as a dream. Nowadays, with many influencers posting images from the most beautiful destinations, women are more curious to have that life and are looking into how to make it happen.

As I go into my 16th year as a traveling alone woman, it’s incredible to me that it has taken so long for the world to catch up. Luckily, I’ve always had a huge sense of adventure in me and a desire to never settle for average. As I look back, it was inevitable that my life took me on such a ‘wanderful’ path.


There are no words to explain the thrill of solo travel and the passion it can ignite inside. I am eternally grateful to have seen and lived all that I have. Nobody can ever take that away from me. The memories are priceless and give me the happiest of feelings when I dwell on them. Solo travel is about to take on a whole new dimension globally! Watch this space!

solo travel course

If you are asking ‘how do I now start traveling alone?’ and want more on how to plan your very first solo travel adventure you deserve, please click on Solo Travel Masterclass here. I share my 15 years of experience and the mindset to thrive.

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Traveling Alone: Top Tips From A Solo Travel Expert

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50 Best Trips For Solo Travel – Forbes

How To Travel Alone And Love It – Vogue

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I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted,  where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...


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