Solo travel isn't just something I do, it's my life. This blog is full of real-life experiences taken from 19 glorious years traveling alone non-stop as a woman. I cannot wait to share my solo travel tips on living wanderfully...
With 15 years of traveling alone non-stop under my belt, I can genuinely say I’m just as addicted to it today as on my very first solo travel vacation more than 20 years ago. The memories of that trip, 2 weeks in Borneo to see orangutans in the wild, are still very vivid. When I […]
A solo travel online course? Have you ever thought about throwing caution to the wind and setting off on the adventure of a lifetime? Has the idea crossed your mind a lot recently? Do you find yourself dreaming of it and would love to go but don’t know how? The good news? You don’t have […]
Ciao, my little noodle! Handkerchiefs at the ready! LOL! The last in the series of BLISS is now here. And before wondering about the adorable LEMON, LOVE (see below), you can breathe a sigh of relief, the big finale will be published on the blog in January. YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT!!!!! Before we […]
Ciao, my little tarte au citron! BLISS is now here and inside, you can find the update on the adorable LEMON, LOVE (based in Positano – see below). With only one more publication to go before we head into 2024, we want to say a huge THANK YOU to all our readers who have been reading […]
Ciao, my little strudel! Solo travel magazine BLISS is now out…an amuse bouche weekly for those who want a dose of pure positivity! Yes, the happy stuff…you know…that stiff which was normal in the 70’s?! LOL! A huge THANK YOU again for helping us race up the rankings! We are grateful. If yiy are new […]
Ciao, my little lambchop! Solo travel magazine BLISS is back…an amuse bouche weekly and cutie pie for those who want a dose of pure positivity! Yes, 100% of the happy stuff! A huge THANK YOU for helping us race up the rankings! We really appreciate ir. BLISS is in downloadable version BLISS Magazine No.13 and video format […]
Have you ever found yourself craving something light and fun to read while in a cosy cafe? Or at the airport when waiting on boarding crew? And even on a train and want that little boost to pass the time away? Well, my little lambchop, you are in luck! Save Wanderful Company blog in your […]
Ciao, my little noodle! Want sassy, cosy and comedy to snuggle up to and pass the night away? You are in luck…BLISS No.11 is here! We LOVE this little crumpet of gorgeousness which is rising up the rankings. Grazie mille ‘Wanderful Audience’! As usual, BLISS is in downloadable version BLISS Magazine No.11 and video format below! We […]
Ciao, my little lambchop! Want that little something sassy to bring back your feminine side? Love that little something cosy to lose yourself in on the sofa? Crave that little something comedy when you are all out of Netflix? Travel magazine BLISS No.10 is now out. Phew! This bite-size cutie pie of pure positivity is […]
Want that little something quirky to brighten up your day? Love that little something cosy to snuggle up to late at night? Crave that little something cute to cuddle on a long journey? Well, my little lambchop! Travel magazine BLISS No.9 is here. Phew! And we know you will love this week’s as much as […]
hi, i'm kirsteen
Your new BFF & Travel Coach.
I'm an ex-Corporate girl who gave up a very successful career in the UK for a dream life traveling alone. Why solo? To do what I wanted, where I wanted, and when I wanted. That was 15 years ago when I left with nothing more than a suitcase and an incessant desire to be happy. I've never looked back...
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